My Diary: A Superhero With Feet Of Clay

I got up as if I was sudden explosion in a tranquil lake‭; ‬scattering a flock of small brown birds,‭ ‬new to science,‭ ‬as I did so.‭ ‬June had just left for work using electricity pylons as legs and wooden washing tongs as arms.‭ ‬I closed the bedroom window telekinetically and then had a bath without getting into the water‭; ‬floating downstairs with a mangrove swamp turned orange by the rising sun as my hair style of the day.‭ ‬I wrote my life story on a stamp and then licked it‭ ‬-‭ ‬I planned to stick it to the hull of the next nuclear powered submarine that rose in the Arctic waters of my imagination but June had left the heating on.‭ ‬The delivery man coopied down like an early representation of an Iquanodon,‭ ‬getting up quickly when he realised his anatomy was wrong.‭ ‬I signed the sheet with the wrong end of the pen.

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